Offer new textures of food
Based on your child’s feeding skills
Gradually encourage your child to try foods of different textures.
Help your child to tolerate having some food they do not like on their plate, even if they do not eat it. It can help to prevent children developing a desire not to have any foods mixed in, or touching each other. Also, sometimes they may forget and accidentally eat the food and enjoy it.
Talk positively about food and eating in general and always praise your child for trying something new.
Offer new foods every other day
Continue to gradually offer new foods
Try not to focus too much on what your child eats, as the aim is for eating to become ‘normal’ and relaxed, rather than a focus of attention.
Try not to feel disappointed or ‘let down’ if your child has not eaten well.
Offer new foods every day
When offering different foods for children to try, do it in a relaxed, calm way.
Have friends and other children round to eat – your child may copy them and try more foods. Try new foods yourself and find ways to make mealtimes as enjoyable and relaxed as possible. Look back on the progress your child has made. Work out which aspects were most successful.
Make sure these positive changes become a habit and part of everyday family life!
Top Tip: More new snacks
Continuing the theme of introducing complementary flavours and textures, try these suggestions:
- Ricotta cheese with slices of apple and pitta bread strips
- Mini fruit scone with ricotta and fruit jam
- Fruit loaf with cream cheese and grapes
- Cheese and pineapple
- Dried apricots or sultanas
- Small pieces of milk or dark chocolate
- Fresh apricots and strawberries
- Frozen berry yoghurts